Mathe workshop old catalog, year 2009.
Please send your application to Quiltmania Editions and maybe you will have the opportunity to show your Passacaglia quilt in Houston’s exhibitions 2016 (from October 29th to October 31st and from November 3rd to November the 6th)
We will choose 20 pieces among your applicatons.
Subscriptions deadline: August, 15th, 2016
Passacaglia Candidatures Exposition Houston
Envoyez votre candidature à Quiltmania Editions et vous aurez peut-être l’opportunité d’être exposée au salon Houston 2016 (du 29 au 31 octobre et du 3 au 6 novembre 2016).
Nous sélectionnerons 20 œuvres parmi vos candidatures.
Date limite des inscriptions le 15 août 2016.
Dear Corinna,
Congratulations !
Your Quilt was selected for the Passacaglia
exhibit in Houston in October and will be again in competition for the Passacaglia exhibit in Pour l’Amour du Fil Show in Nantes in April 2017
Please send your Quilt at the address below before the 1st October 2016:
Thank you to verify that your Quilt has:
A sleeve for hanging it
An identification label
- your name
- Your address (where to send the quilt after exposition)
- Your phone number
- The name of your Quilt
Best regards,
Pierre Doyen
And the kindergarten suitcase goes sometimes traveling.
Unsere Ideenfang Gruppe war auf der IdeenExpo 2015 in Hannover.
Wir finden die "Anarmorphen Zerrbilder" vom Rahel-Varnhagen-Kolleg Hagen besonders gut. Das war eine andere Ideenfang Gruppe.
Und nun liegt dieses Exponat in unserer Pausenhalle!
Wir danken allen, die beim Kungeln geholfen haben. (Birgit von der Dr. Georg-August-Zinn-Schule Gesamtschule in Gudensberg hat am Sonntag den entscheidenden Tipp gegeben).
Thank you for this cube! Thank you for this cube! Thank you!
Saturday, 30. April 2016
Grundschule Friedland ist Partnerschule der Ideen-Expo
The primary school in Friedland received the prize
"Partnerschule der IdeenExpo 2015".
Christmas in July - the mathematic christmas tree.
Christmas ornaments made with Kirigami.
Math Workshop goes on tour
Notification of acceptance is made via e-mail by April 16, 2016.
Because of notification the kindergarten suitcase goes traveling in August.
August 9-13, 2016 (Tuesday - Saturday)
to Jyvaskyla Finland!
At Phil Webster webpage is a cool star.
I asked him for the shapes.
He encouraged me, to submit for the Bridges Conference in Jyvaskyla Finland,
"not far away from me",
deadline for submission: 15.March.2016.
Images of any submitted artwork and accompanying descriptions should be submitted between February 15 and March 15, 2016.
Submissions of art to Bridges 2016 will only be accepted
through the submission website.
Notification of acceptance will be made via e-mail by April 15, 2016.
In the case of notification the kindergarten suitcase goes traveling in August.
August 9-13, 2016 (Tuesday - Saturday)
A Collaborative Effort by
The University of Jyväskylä and Bridges Organization
The Bridges Conference,
the world’s largest interdisciplinary conference on mathematics and art,
after having traveled to cities in North America, Europe and Asia,
and attracting participants from over thirty countries,
now comes to Finland!
The conference will feature presentations of full and short papers,
hands-on workshops, invited talks, a juried art exhibition,
a math/art short movie festival, a theater event,
a music night, a mathematical poetry reading,
a math/art excursion, a public day, and more.
Papers will be published in the refereed conference proceedings.
You can see my submission at the next picture.
Education Staff
Elementary School
37133 Friedland, Landkreis Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany
I work at the elementary school in Friedland and
create and sew unique mathematical geometrical toys
for children 5 years old and older.
Together with the mathematical institute of the university in Göttingen,
I developed the "Kindergarten Koffer" - a suitcase with different Puzzles:
8 mathemagic cubes, 1 Pentomino, 1 Sudoko,
the magnetic dodecagon with 60 pieces and the Maths Pie.
I made many spheres with different tilings on the surface,
and 18 edge models from polyhedra.
My hobby is sewing stellated polyhedra,
quilts and other robust, elastic, haptic and soft toys/puzzles!
My circular quilt: "Da staunst Du - 29 Bauklötze!" was shown in
the exhibit for mathematical quilts in different locations
in Germany during the year of math in 2008.
The mathemagic cubes are very robust, haptic and very suitable for curious children.
There are currently 37 unique items. They are divided into 5 difficulty levels.
Of course, everyone wants to get to the highest level, but that is not so easy ...
The cut surfaces always want to trick us ...
In one cube hides the Kepler star.
In the other cubes are tetrahedrons, which are cut into multiple pieces as a puzzle.
Search 4 cubes and build them into a large tetrahedron hidden fractally inside another cube.
Locate the tetrahedron, which illustrates the formula used to calculate the volume of the tetrahedron.
Get to know funny words like "tetrahedron, octahedron, volume calculation, congruent"
that you must know by the end of fourth grade.
The magnetic dodecagon is very robust and very suitable for curious children,
but they must not swallow the 60 extra strong magnets.
One basic concept of school geometry is symmetry.
On the one hand there is the property of symmetry of figures and objects,
on the other hand there are symmetry maps (mirroring, rotation),
which produce regularity.
This dodecagon consists of 24 small and 24 large diamonds and 12 squares
with complementary colors on their front and back.
The edge lengths are all equal, the angles are 30 ° / 150 °, 60 ° / 120 °, 90 ° / 90 °.
From the 60 pieces you can produce one large or 4 small dodecagons.
There are many possible arrangements for their colors!
Comprehend maths with head, heart and hand.
I like puzzles!
One of 18 different modular edge models of polyhedra.
The material is very haptic,
sturdy and very well suited for curious kids,
but they should not give this toy to their pet,
because it is filled with rustling styrofoam balls.
On the surface of the polyhedron you can discover triangles,
tetragons, pentagons and hexagons.
These can be folded toward the center or the outside,
thereby changing the appearance and the stability of the polyhedron.
The models are also sporty: You can throw and catch them well.
A balloon in the middle will change the flight trajectory and stability.
Count the polygonal faces, straight edges and vertices to discover
Eulers characteristic and make your math teacher happy!
Because each model is different.
I made many spheres with different tilings on the surface.
My artful footballs.
The colorful football in the pictures is sewed with 360 pieces
(english paper piecing).
21 equatorial orbits the ball.
I discovered the webpage of
Eduard Baumann, Fribourg Switzerland,
with wonderful spheres drawing on it,
and decided to sew this ball.
In the surface pattern I see the rhombic triacontahedron.
Sewing stellated polyhedra,
Kumihimo, Kirigami, embroidery,
celtic knots, my nature garden,
butterflies........ - I have a lot hobbies!
Tidying up the house is not my hobby!!!!!!
We won the first price by "Ideenfang Award" at the IdeenExpo 2015 in Hannover
for our Kirigami project "Christmas in July".
"The mathematical Christmas tree".
20th january 2016 we driven to the Phaeno Center in Wolfsburg.
There you can explore many science and MINT.
My favorites are the Pentakis installation and the Klein Bottle.
"Pentakis" by artist Caspar Schwabe, Zürich
Look into the Kaleidoscope.
Notice the different shapes.
The center is taken up by a luminescent 20 pointed icosahedral star,
surrounded by a spherical dodecahedron.
Both shapes change their color slowly.
The three mirrors in this kaleidoscope are arranged in three spatioal dimensions according to be principle of the "golden section" "golden ratio".
This combination produces a 60x reflection,
creating a pentadodecahedron.
Less than 2% of this star exists in material form
and 98% is illusion.
The word kaleidoscope comes from Greek
skopein=to look at
and means an instrument for looking at beautiful images.
Felix Klein Bottle
Explore the special inside out space of the Klein Bottle by stepping into it.
It is easy to become a little disoriented or to feel claustrophobic in the space as the outside turns into the inside of the bootle.
The emotional reaction to being caught inside
a small space can range from
a slight anxiousness to a strong feeling of panic.
The Klein Bottle can be a confusing space to enter
or exit because the outside surface is continous with the inside surface.
IdeenExpo 2015 Hannover: 4. bis 12. Juli 2015
Kirigami - Christmas in July – Der mathematische Weihnachtsbaum
Das Problem
Manager großer Shoppingcenter geben Millionenbeträge
für tonnenschwere Weihnachtsdekoration aus.
Der TÜV muss aufpassen,
dass alles gut in den Hallen befestigt wird.
Wo soll man nach Weihnachten die ganze Deko lagern?
Wir wollen natürlich auch eine schöne Deko in der Schule.
Aber im Vorweihnachtsstress fehlt die Zeit zum Basteln.
(Wir müssen uns auf Klassenarbeiten vorbereiten und für das Krippenspiel üben).
Dann ist Weihnachten wieder so schnell vorbei,
und der Hausmeister meckert,
wenn wir aus seinem „Büro“ eine Abstellkammer machen.
Die Idee
3D Objekte sehen am Weihnachtsbaum am schönsten aus. Filigrane Arbeiten haben weniger Gewicht und bieten den Aha-Effekt.
Die Bastelarbeiten werden in den Juli verlagert.
In den Sommerferien ist uns an Regentagen nicht langweilig.
Der Werkstoff Papier ist nachhaltig und günstig.
Die Lösung
Mittels Grafikprogrammen (Inkscape, Brother Canvas) wird die Weihnachtsdeko so entworfen,
dass alles platzsparend weggeräumt werden kann.
Eine Kugel nimmt so viel Platz weg wie eine Postkarte.
Und das geht mit Kirigami, eine japanische Scherenschnittkunst. Die filigranen Bauteile schneidet uns aber ein Plotter aus.
Die Größe der Kugeln, Herzen, Würfel, Pyramiden, Flugzeuge, Schiffe, Schachfiguren und Pferdchen kann mit wenigen Klicks verändert werden.
tutorials and pattern...