Googeln und Kugeln
Spheres, Stars and Soccerball
A Rhombic Triacontahedron Puzzle will be create.
First I have built a paper modell.
The ball is discovered with 30 rhombus at the surface.
The Puzzle is built by 30 colored rhombus and 90 nocolor rhombus at the surfaces.
I have seven colored flat "prisma",
and three nocolored flat "prisma".
Also 9 colored wide "prisma",
and 1 nocolored wide "prisma".
All together I have 20 puzzlepieces.
I will sew this puzzle with fabric.
I will named it the
"archäology ball".
There was a workshop in Finland for this
Rhombic Triacontahedron Puzzle:
With George Hart und Elisabeth Heathfield.
But I will change the surface of my
rhombic triacontahedron puzzle with the pattern from my
"Facettenball", I have sewed this Ball in the year 2011.
I have found the grafic for this "Facettenball",
when I have visited the webpage of
Eduard Baumann in Switzerland.
You can discover 21 Equator on this "Facettenball".